House of Sticks is a short film written and directed by award-winning Director of Photography John Ogden. It tells the story of Lance Waygood, a photojournalist who has become reclusive following the death of his wife and unborn child. Into his life appears Ruby who brings him a message that will help him deal with his grief, but this stranger is not all that she appears to be. The twists and turns of the story cross genres leaving the viewer wondering what is real. House of Sticks is a complex and entertaining film from a new director/writer.
Now available on Indieflix.
John Ogden ACS
John Ogden
Louise Whelanand Naomi Mitchell
Deuel Droogan
STARRING: LANCE: Martin Dingle Wall
RUBY: Vanya Z. Tuarau
SOPHIE: Bianca Bradey PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Robert Herriot SOUND: David Pellow / Ian Rumbell EDITOR: Peter Barton/The Editors POST HOUSE: fsm SOUND DESIGN: Ian McLoughlin / Soundfirm MUSIC SUPERVISOR: Nick Hartley MUSIC: Adam Alexander
The use of the Wandjina image in this production was approved with special permission by Ngarinyin Aboriginal Corporation.